Tuesday, December 7, 2010

It Hurts So Good

My body hates me.  I can almost hear my arms and legs screaming curse words at me in a ungodly like fashion.  Yesterday was my first chance to work out at Fort Sanders Health and Fitness Center.  I was feeling extra motivated (or crazy) so I spent 30 minutes on the run simulator then proceeded to walk/run 2 miles around the indoor track.  On each running simulator, there is a tv screen where you can watch anything you want.  I really showed myself to be a true hypocrite as I tuned in faithfully to Paula Deen and watched her make a delicious grilled cheese that I'll never be able to taste. 

After my "warmup", I then did a few leg lifts, bicep curls, and some more weight lifting.  By now, about an hour had passed, but like I said, I was motivated.  So, I trekked downstairs and signed up for spin class.  For all of those who don't know, spinning class and casually riding your bike down the bike trail are total opposites.  Not even remotely the same thing.  I'm pretty sure I sweated at least 7 gallons during the whole ordeal.  You know what I say, "Bless My Heart".

This morning, I was scared to get out of bed at the thought of what my poor legs would feel like.  After a nice hot shower and some ibuprofen, I was good to go.  I keep telling myself that it hurts so good and I still would not leave out the classic saying of "no pain no gain".

I have a busy two weeks coming up.  I have my first dietician/nutritional specialist meeting on Thursday as well as my fitness evaluation.  Next week is finals, but since I took two of them early, I only have two left.  Then I get to meet with my exercise physiologist to make sure everything is in good standing so I remain injury free.  There is way more to this whole fitness thing than I ever imagined, but I am so excited about it and can't wait to hit the gym and knock those pounds off.  Woo!

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